Greer Williams - The Dental Surgery Newstead

Greer Williams

Practice Manager

Greer has been working at The Dental Surgery, Newstead since she finished her pre-tertiary education in November 2011. Greer realised her interest in dentistry through previous treatment at our practice, both as a child and after a push bike accident in 2011 which resulted in extensive dental treatment. Greer completed her certificate III in Dental Assisting in 2012, followed by her Certificate IV in Professional Practice Management which she completed in 2014. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Business part-time through the University of Tasmania.

Greer enjoys the challenges of working in a busy dental practice and managing a team. She undertakes many tasks throughout The Dental Surgery, Newstead but her favourite part of her role is the interacting and making connections within the Launceston community, as well as with her dental colleagues locally and around Australia.

Away from the Practice and when she isn’t studying, Greer enjoys cooking and baking an array of delicious food for her family and friends, and squeezing in some pilates in her downtime.

Personalised dental care in a warm and caring environment

Just 3km from the centre of Launceston

(03) 6331 1473

11 Penquite Rd Newstead TAS 7250